Carolyn Anspacher

San Francisco Chronicle, September 12, 1951
By Carolyn Anspacher

Red Hearings Open Here Session Ends in Uproar As Crowd Cheers Witness

A feminine volcano exploded late yesterday in the City Hall hearing chambers of the State Senate’s Committee on Un-American Activities.
Senator Hugh M. Burns promptly ordered the chamber cleared of its overflow audience and then, in a few moments, recessed the hearing until 10 o’clock this morning.
Disruption of the investigation into five Bay Area organizations described as “subversive” was caused by the appearance of Edith Jenkins, assertedly one of the key figures in the Committee for Democratic Far Eastern Policy.

12/4/1964, San Francisco Chronicle, Students Call Police Brutal, Carolyn Anspacher

"Goldberg, whose shirt was torn and pants ripped, said he was dragged face down on -the sidewalk by police. ¶ 'I said, 'That hurts,' and the cop said, 'Sure it hurts. I'm glad it hurts. It'll keep on hurting.'' ¶ Goldberg said the police modified their behavior when news cameramen appeared on the scene. ¶ 'Those cameras saved a lot of us,' he said. ¶ Savio asserted the police 'became more impatient and more brutal' as the long night of arrest wore on. 'They called us pigs and Communists.'"


December 3, 1964, Santa Rita Jail
L to R: Marilyn Noble discusses bail issues with Bob Treuhaft while SF Chronicle reporter Carolyn Anspacher reports.
Ron Enfield photo.  Used with permission.

Jewish News Weekly of Northern California
Friday, July 12, 1996

Heady post-war era shifts focus of paper
by RITA R. SEMEL, Special to the Bulletin

I was a young and very junior reporter at the San Francisco Chronicle in 1946 when I was summoned to the desk of Carolyn Anspacher, the paper's only female bona fide staffer -- the rest of us were wartime replacements for men in the service; and the women writing the "society" section didn't entirely count.

1932 Carolyn Anspacher by Ansel Adams

“The Trial of Patty Hearst”